Start Using More Video/Motion Creative in Your Marketing

Start Using More Video/Motion Creative in Your Marketing

Videos have always been a part of marketing. But it wasn’t until recently that video marketing started getting traction. In a world where the attention span has grown short and become a high commodity value, brands and marketers are looking for ways to pack as much information as possible in a short time and make engaging ads. Videos have provided a solution for these and other problems.

Why Video Ads Work

The video craze is not specific to the consumers but also businesses. Businesses report a better ROI and improved engagement with their customers when using video and motion marketing.

Businesses can showcase their products in a more compelling, engaging, and reliable way using videos. For consumers, video marketing provides a clear picture of the product or service being offered, allowing them to make a more informed decision.

Compared to other methods of marketing, video marketing also proves to be cost-efficient. This might not be the case for some businesses, but it is for most of them.

Videos are in High Demand

Recent studies have shown that up to 54% of customers want to see more video content from a business or brand they support. The increase in demand for videos is driven by the impact they make. For 66% of the people, videos are the number one source of information, with over 500 million people watching videos on Facebook every day.

There’s no doubt that the demand for video content is high. That is why it makes sense to start using more videos in marketing.

Types of Videos Ads

If you’re seriously considering investing in video marketing, familiarizing yourself with the different types of video ads will go a long way in helping pick the ideal avenue for your brand and products. Some of the types of video ads include:

  • Slide show ads
  • Live-action short commercials
  • Live-action long from commercials

It’s not enough to decide to add video and motion marketing to your advertising artillery. It’s vital to ensure you create impactful and relatable videos that will capture attention and disseminate information. For more information on how you can captivate, engage, and convert leads into customers using video content, contact us and help you develop result-based advertising strategies and content.

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